
Showing posts from June, 2018

Cadiz- Dry dock

Naturally when you join a boat, some of the things you used to take for granted become sacred to you. When you join a boat that goes into dry dock, that list multiplies tenfold. I've never lived in a more dirty, scary, noisy or dangerous environment, and my last house was up for demolition ha! Every walkway is a demolition zone, every inch of the ship that's become familiar is strange once again. There's no cut off for power tools so the noise is night and day, every one of us is doing extremely physical work, and the ship has frequent power and water outages so we stink. Most of the contractors don't speak any English so you get used to reading body language pretty quickly. It's lucky I'm such a nerd because the new set of lights we've been given for our theatre and the amazing team that provided them are the only real highlight of this work for me. The ship also got a new lighting desk and I really like it, I spend most nights and a chunk of my day progra...