To see the world
To see the world, things dangerous to come to, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, draw closer, to find each other, to feel, to see and be amazed, that is the meaning of life
- life magazine motto / Walter Mitty
- life magazine motto / Walter Mitty
I live on a floating skyscraper, it's pretty surreal, yesterday I had wheelchair duty on a port that was utterly beautiful and remote, there were scarcely any buildings and everything was green, as I looked out from the ship it wasn't hard to picture what an eyesore we probably looked in that environment. But my view from the ship in any given direction was a perfect postcard, every glance through a porthole was akin to any canvas sold to the Brits to depict Paradise.
At lunch yesterday we were thrown an outside BBQ with DJs and huge vats of steaming seafood, I was over the moon because I've been moaning about what a tragedy it is that we can't take food outside into the open deck to eat in the sun and see the views. we are pretty vigalent here about controlling food and where it goes and we basically live in a petri dish. The BBQ had such a great atmosphere, people from all departments sat together, summer tunes playing out the PA loud enough to set the mood but low enough to keep conversation easy. And the food tasted so good, we even had the captain scooping ice cream and the cruise director making pancakes for us.
I love that about this place, an empty seat beside you will instantly earn you a new friend most people here are from the same mind set, happy to get on a boat full of strangers and see what happens in order to get a chance to explore the world so there's that instant connection and open minded attitude.
The BBQ was incredible, I joined the que and walked the whole route because I wanted to see what was on offer despite being a vegetarian, it's nice to have that sense of wonder back, every now and again in the restaurant a fruit will pop up that I've never seen before and I'll have to work out if you eat the skin, does it have seeds, what will the taste and texture be like, it's put the curiosity back into life!
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